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Saturday, December 8, 2012

How To Make Money From Blogging

If you haven’t heard yet that you can make money from blogging, you’re terribly missing a lot. Often times, people go online to see the newest and juiciest bits on just about anything and everything to look for. Women go online to look for the latest trends in fashion and beauty while men surf the net to either play online games or watch action filled videos. No matter what the online activity is, information is always involved. Whether they are aware or not, internet users visit at least 1 blog every time they surf online.

So, one day you met with your friends and had dinner at a nearby restaurant. Catching up on a lot of things, you heard from a friend that he gets extra income just by going online. Out of your curiosity, you asked him to explain how it goes and now, you’re here looking for answers on how to make money from blogging. Is it really possible to earn online income from blogging? Is it as easy as they say? How will you do it and how will you start? Read on to get some tips and ideas on how to really do it. But first, let’s talk about the basics just to give you a little insight on what blogging really is.
What does blogging mean?
Blogging is now one of the most popular online activity that people are into. It is an interactive writing that deals with creating and publishing content on a blogger’s blog site. A blog is mainly a purely text-enriched site wherein a blogger or writer updates the readers with anything and just about everything that one wants to say or share. Nowadays, one can make money from blogging.
Can I make money from blogging?
Sure, you can. You can make money from blogging through merely having a computer and being online. Some who make money from blogging treat it as an extra source of income. With the economic situation that everyone has, it is easy and efficient to make money from blogging. However, you also need to invest and you should also allocate extra time for blogging, which will involve writing and tweaking your blog.

When your problem concerns your writing prowess, you don’t have to be worried. Bloggers don’t necessarily need polished and impeccable writing skills just to be able to establish a blog. However, if you want to be an effective blogger, having a well written content is the key. Your authority as a blogger is as good as your capacity to impart information, so you have to be someone who expresses his thoughts well.
Making Serious Money from Blogging
At the onset, what you will probably do is write about your thoughts on things, or a specific thing you are good at. That’s alright. Get a feel for it. You can never wet your toes without getting your feet wet, as they say. Post 5 to 10 blog entries and see whether it works for you. Most blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogger allows their users to monitor traffic. More often than not, you will get responses and views after just a few posts.

Once you start getting followers, check which posts are more effective. While you are doing your first few posts, always keep yourself open to new ideas. Visit other people’s blogs and find out which ones are really popular. You will know if they are when you see a lot of comments on each post. Try to emulate these blogger’s styles at first, then build your own.

As you go along, you will be able to find your niche, and once you do, that’s when serious traffic comes in. When your blog starts getting a lot of traffic, this is when the real work begins. You will be amazed at how many possibilities are there for your blog.

Let me take you through one of the best things that happened to blogging, which is one of the best ways you can make money from blogging.
Affiliate Programs
Affiliate programs, also termed as affiliate marketing, offer Internet advertising that you can have on your blog site. It works simply by registering in an affiliate program. After which, they will be giving you a code that you need to apply on your blog HTML. Once done, you will notice a clickable advertisement on your blog site. Now, this is where you can make money from blogging. Every time a visitor of your blog site clicks the advertisement, you’ll already earn revenue. As easy as that, having more visitors entail higher revenue.

Affiliate marketing is one of the biggest reasons why people start logs these days. This is also why you have to choose a niche for your blog. Here are several niches for which you can write about in your blog:
  • weight loss
  • Making money online
  • Relationships
  • Finance
  • Travel
  • Fashion
These are so far the most popular niches, and you can choose one that will be the theme of your blog. You can then look for products that you can affiliate market. You can then create clickable ads in strategic places within your blog. Each time someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys the product or signs up for a service or subscription, you get money! Many affiliate programs pay up to 60% commission for every affiliate sale. I have heard of Internet Marketers who make at least $20,000 per month just by affiliate marketing. So this might be how you earn money through your blog. has more information about making money from affiliate marketing. Please look around our posts and find out more.
Also read: 5 Fast Ways to Make Money Online

(c) Image: Ayubansari @ dreamstime